Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ryan Reynolds Get Ripped Green Lantern Diet

Ryan Reynolds has become one very popular actor in action movies. Despite the fact that he has developed an awesome physique in such a short amount of time it also makes you think, what is Ryan Reynolds’ diet that got him to look so ripped and in shape?

I first came across Ryan Reynolds with the TV show, “Two Guys, A Girl And A Pizza Place.” Although at the time he was fast becoming popular, nobody ever thought or picture him one day becoming a fitness role model through his roles in films- from Blade Trinity and up to his latest, Green Lantern.

How He Gained 20 Pounds of Muscle In A Few Short Months

His first popular role in an action film started with “Blade Trinity.” Before making this film Ryan was not terribly out of shape but he was not the lean actor he became in only 6 short months. Even though he was thin and had a better than average 11 percent body fat level, Ryan was in decent shape was missing the muscle mass he has become known for.

In order for him to look lean, muscular and in shape, the mission was for him to gain 20 pounds of muscle mass and decrease his body fat by a good amount to lower single digits. The end result of this diet was a body fat percentage of 3 percent and being able to increase 20 pounds of lean muscle. His diet was very strict but also very manageable.

Ryan Reynolds Diet Plan

Ryan ate often in order to maintain his calories sufficient enough so he didn't go through hunger pangs while at the same time not gaining body fat. The goal was to decrease his fat even more. Ryan also did not want to create a tremendous caloric deficit that would lead him to lose fat, yet not gain muscle as well.

To reach his goal, Ryan ate periodically every 2 to 3 hours to avoid feeling hungry and drank sufficient water through the course of the day. His meals were divided in to 8 to 10 small meals and a mix of protein and carbs. He ate a large amount of carbs in the course of the day but stopped eating them altogether after 8:00 p.m. The high carb intake helped him keep his energy levels high. He also ate carbs after a workout.

Fo supplements, Ryan stayed with protein and creatine. Creatine is a muscle-building supplement and helps keep strength levels high during workouts.

The main things to remember about this diet Ryan followed:

Eat sufficient protein in the course of a day.
Eat carbs to gain energy, but eliminate them late in the day.
Ryan ate every 2- 3 hours he also drank water throughout the day.
Ryan consumed 8 to 10 small size meals throughout the day.
Ryan kept a record of his calories so he would not add fat and to keep from creating a large caloric deficit.

Check out video above and see the strategies and techniques that Ryan Reynolds followed to get ripped aka the shrinkwrap effect.

Ryan Reynolds Workout Strategies

Although diet is a main component in getting a body like the Green Lantern, what you must also keep in mind is training in order to get a superhero physique. In order to get the body that Ryan got he also worked out actively to get what is called the shrinkwrap effect. By adding his diet with exercise he was able to decrease the fat and gain muscle mass which as a result causes the skin to tighten and made his body look very lean like the muscle is ripped.

The workout he followed consisted of the following:

Attend the gym 6 days per week
Divide the workouts to one muscle group per day
Workouts were 2-3 hours in duration
The number of repetitions per set was of 8 to 12
His typical workout schedule was as follows:

Day 1: Chest
Day 2: Back
Day 3: Shoulders
Day 4: Legs

Arms were mixed in on different days.

The methods used by Ryan Reynolds in my opinion are not for everybody. The hours in the gym are very long and doing long workouts is not ideal for someone normal who is not in the film making industry. Although the methods he used worked for him and he looks great there are easier ways that do not require eating every two hours, being too strict with diet and doing endless workouts.

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